Thursday, July 30, 2009

Awaken your senses through self hypnosis

The modern world has brought people a lot of preoccupation. It made living faster yet complicated, it made interactions wider yet shorter, and it made communication easier yet brief. Despite the so many preoccupations brought by media created by people, there are also those who would want to get back to their original self and connect with it in the most basic possible means. One of these is self hypnosis. Defined as a "process involving a hypnotist and a subject who agrees to be hypnotized," self hypnosis is characterized by intense concentration, extreme relaxation, and high suggestibility to both parties.
Experts say that the self hypnosis is versatile. In fact, its versatility can be quite unparalleled. Today, self hypnosis can take place in various social settings and continue to change social settings dramatically. Unlike before where settings of self hypnosis are quite limited, today the sessions between the hypnotist and the subject can take place in common places such as clinics, showrooms, classrooms, and even to open spaces and establishments.
Other experts use self hypnosis in order to recover suppressed memories of people who have had bad experiences to help them overcome the problems that they are dealing with right now while other psychologists and hypnotherapists use hypnosis to discover hidden truths from a person's ordinary consciousness. This is done by tapping into the unconscious state or mind where information are believed to dwell.
Many perceive that self hypnosis as a trance-like altered state of a person's consciousness while others believe that it is a way of accessing a person's unconscious mind that is filled to suppressed memories, repressed multiple personalities, various magical insights, and unforgettable memories of the past life. But, in the world of psychology, self hypnosis is considered as altered state and gateway to knowledge about one's self and the universe he or she is living in.
Today, self hypnosis is not only used for treating various behavioral problems but also for self-enhancement and improvement. If you are planning to get into hypnosis or self-hypnosis, there are so many things you need to consider. Experts say that self hypnosis is one of the excellent ways of taking control over one's life. In fact, it can be used as means of disciplining yourself if you want to achieve a specific goal. For some people, self-hypnosis is advisable if you want to achieve something and utmost dedication and discipline is needed. Hypnosis introduction can benefit those who would want to lose or gain weight; those who want to boost their self-confidence; and those who would want to overcome their fears or phobias because it can help them contemplate a lot on the things that they need to do.
If you are planning to get a course on self hypnosis, you can expect that it can teach you to reach your subconscious mind through bypassing your conscious mind as well as how to communicate with your subconscious mind, methods of creating your own hypnosis scripts and visualizations, how to design and use affirmations, the effects and use of symbols on the subconscious mind, how to understand which methods will be most effective for you personally, deepening your trance state and using visualizations, adapting to scripts to suit various problems, how to change your personal history and plan a more effective future and how to understand your dreams as well.

What self-hypnosis is all about

Self-hypnosis has become one of the hottest ways to help people cope with their addiction. Of course, this is not something that you can use for instance when you are addicted to drugs or when you have a bad case of mental disorder. For the most part, self-hypnosis works for addictions that are not deeply-rooted and does not involve any forms of withdrawal.
One of the most common uses of self-hypnosis nowadays is towards self-improvement and personality shift. If you want for instance to suddenly become more patient and manage your anger well, this is the procedure for you. The same goes with people who want to excel academically by enhancing their memory and concentration skills. Self-hypnosis is also found to be effective when it comes to helping relive pain after a medical procedure or when pain is one of the symptoms. There are some who have even used self-hypnosis to quit smoking although it was not completely effective in all of the cases. According to experts, the effectiveness of the procedure will still depend on the individual’s own personality and response. There are people who are much easier to hypnotize than others.
Despite its more modern uses, self-hypnosis or hypnosis in general has been part of the world’s history since time immemorial. The Egypt for instance found this a good thing and likened it to spiritualism. The Church however do not condone the use of hypnosis and have even been mentioned in the past as one way to open the mind to the devil. New age believers however feel that hypnosis is an untapped science that can help the humankind when utilized better.
Contrary to what most believe, self-hypnosis is safe, perhaps even safer than professionally administered hypnosis because you are basically in control of your own mind. You are not surrendering complete control to the hypnotist. This is good especially if you are not really sure on the abilities of your hypnotist. Doing it yourself can however have a downside. One of them is its slow rate of response. You may need to wait awhile before you can actually notice a change in your behavior. You may have to work real hard for it as opposed to sitting pretty in the company of a professional hypnotist.
This “your own effort” bit is most often what attracts people to self-hypnosis. If you must remember, one of the earlier criticisms against hypnosis is the fact that patients are not essentially changing their behavior but having someone tweak it for them. There is no hard work involved nor there is an intrinsic change to speak of. However, even with the emphasis on doing it on your own, you still need the guidance of a professional hypnotist. In fact before starting the session, you need to get instructions from them. They will also answer all your questions and guide you through your sessions. There is still professional involvement in the sense that they will be monitoring your progress.
On what is more effective, self-hypnosis or professionally-administered, the jury is still out. According to industry experts, a lot depends on the patient who may respond well or not well to a hypnosis session. Still, the mere fact that you can have complete control over yourself even during a hypnosis session already makes self-hypnosis the better choice for most people.

Relief for Knee Pain

Have you ever had a knee injury? Knee injuries are quite painful and people suffering from such a condition will immediately look for effective pain relief. Your knees are one of the most important body parts. If you encounter repetitive knee injuries or accidents, you should know about the various techniques to ease the pain.
When you encounter any injury or accident, you must attend to it at once. You can use this technique which is more popularly known as RICE. ‘R’ stands for rest. You need to take a rest after you’ve cleaned the wound or injury. Place your legs in a relaxing position. ‘I’ stands for ice. Put ice over your knees. ‘C’ is for compression and it is important when you have a knee accident. ‘E’ stands for elevation so don’t forget to elevate them as well.
A lot of pressure is exerted on the knees so you need to ensure that when you have a knee accident, the pressure is removed. Rest is vital if you want to relieve pain. Don’t even try to put your knees at work. Blood flow should be slowed down and you can do this by placing ice over the affected area. By doing so, you can reduce swelling. Get some bandage and put it over the injury. Don’t make it too tight. The healing process is also promoted through elevation. Try elevating your knees and you will notice that there is less pain.
Repetitive injuries can cause progressive pain. You can get rid of the pain by taking pain relievers. Ointments and creams are also available without doctor’s prescription. Again, don’t remove the bandages because it will help in stabilizing your knees. The discomfort is already part of the injury but you can still reduce it to moderate by taking medicines.
You will need immediate professional assistance once you meet a knee injury. Consult an orthopedic expert or a pharmacist so that you will know what to do. Don’t take medicines without a doctor’s supervision because it might worsen your condition. The orthopedic physician can teach you effective exercises and methods that can ease the pain of the injury. It may take a while before you can exert pressure on your knees again but it’s worth the wait; if you put your knees at rest, complete healing can come sooner. Always follow the doctor’s instructions and if you need to take medicines, take them on time and at the right dosage.
You can’t do your routine activities if have a knee injury so make sure that you recover from it as soon as possible. Thanks to the modern technology of today, there are now countless medicines (natural and conventional), techniques, and other procedures that can speed up healing.
Affected individuals should also be determined to get well. If you think positively and you’re doing everything to get rid of the pain, you will gain positive results. Your brain tells you when you’re in pain and to some individuals it’s all in the mind. While you’re trying to recover from the injury, don’t think too much about the pain because it will only get worse. Watch a movie, read a book, etc. but make sure that you maintain a resting position. If you don’t exert pressure on your knees, your knees will be in shape once more.

Relief for Chronic Pain Naturally

Are you currently suffering from chronic pain? If your answer is yes, how do you relieve such pain? It’s natural for the body to look for pain relief when it is in pain or when it’s not functioning properly. Is there really a need to look for relief for chronic pain? This is a question that deserves a very good answer.
All the techniques to relieve pain are based on the philosophy that in order to be an effective pain relief tool, it should be able to manipulate the body. Some examples are shakes and applying pressure in the affected area.
People today are always busy and they don’t have enough time to rest. Most of their time is dedicated to work and other household responsibilities. Indeed, you need to tell your body to work doubly hard in order to earn good income but you’re also putting too much stress on your body. If this continues, you will suffer from chronic pain.
Getting a massage every now and then can really make you feel good. But do you really think that if you force ‘pain relievers’ to your life, you will feel better?
Well, you’re wrong. There is no need to force the pain relief techniques. If you can manipulate the therapies or techniques to relieve pain, you can expect better results.
People are already used to ‘doing’ something in order to achieve a certain goal. By doing so, people are stressed out which brings about chronic pain. It is very easy for people to forget that they are just human beings.
Try to observe nature. What do you see? You can see birds flying, trees swaying, wind blowing, and plants growing all over the fields. As you may have noticed, these things happen naturally and no force is required.
According to studies, people who suffer from chronic pain should forget about ‘doing’ something about the pain. So what can you do? You can try relaxation and meditation. However, you might find it difficult to do this especially when you’re feeling excessive pain.
In every therapeutic or meditation process, it is vital for you to relax. To some individuals, the pain will become more evident when they are in a relaxed state. Try to find a position where joints are centered and your voluntary muscles are disengaged. Quiet your mind; don’t think about the pain. Feel the stillness around you. Soon you will realize that your body is no longer in pain.
This idea may seem ridiculous since people are already used to ‘doing’. However, if you try it now, you will not lose anything. So what are you waiting for? If you’re suffering from chronic pain, find a comfortable position where you can relax. It would be best to do this at home. Lie comfortably and put your body at rest. Forget about everything and empty your mind of thoughts. Try to feel the silence and stillness. Think positively so that your brain will not think of the pain.
Before you even think that this technique is not effective, try it out yourself. By the time you’ve finished this technique, you will notice that the pain is going away. Don’t expect immediate results. It may take some time especially if you’ve been suffering from chronic pain for a several years now. Just try to be patient because your efforts will be rewarded and there are no costs involved.

Pain Relief – Lower Back

The work environment varies but in most cases, jobs require employees to sit all day on their desk doing tons of paperwork and other tasks. Sitting for a very long period can cause lower back pain. Just imagine that you’ll be sitting on your office chair for the rest of the year every day. It’s no wonder many employees suffer from stress and constant pain particularly on their lower back. This is the best time to choose an effective pain relief.
True enough, sitting at the office is less strenuous as compared to hiking, biking, or traversing rough trails. Because of the sedentary lifestyle of many people, their bodies suffer greatly. According to studies, back pain is a very common condition and most of today’s workforce is suffering from it. With the cool atmosphere provided by the air-conditioning systems and limited body movement, the body is inactive all throughout the day. There may be ways to address pain on the lower back but most of them are not effective.
People whose jobs are office-based tend to suffer from back pain which includes the lower portions of the back. The pain may be chronic especially to those who have been working at the office for a long time. New office-based employees are just beginning to feel such pain and if you don’t want the pain to last, you should make use of the appropriate pain relief. As you can see, lower back pain should be addressed at the soonest possible time for best results.
There are lots of online and offline resources that can help you in addressing back pain. However, not all these stuff work. eBooks on pain relief are all over the internet and they offer possible solutions for your back pain. If one treatment doesn’t work, you can always try another one. Don’t resort to drugs and surgery. If you simply take time in looking for effective pain relief treatments, you will surely find one that you can afford and one that will work for you.
Lower back pain starts with the muscles around the spine. When the muscles are weak or quite tight, you will feel pain. It is very important that you have good blood circulation as it can also bring about back pain. Even when you’re in the office, you should stretch up a little. Don’t just sit down. Try to move from time to time; stand up and stretch your arms. By doing so, you can reduce the tension on your lower back. When muscles are stretched and moved, it will not become too tight.
You need to lie down on the floor and under your knees, you need to put pillows. Bend your knees and feet. By doing this position, the weight is taken off from your back. If your back still hurts, you should lie down in this position. Try to walk from time to time to get those muscles moving.
If you feel muscle spasms, use heating pads. You can use it for 20-30 minutes. For additional relief, you can also try massages and ice packs. Some individuals take non prescription medications like aspirin, naproxen, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and ketoprofen. These medicines can reduce swelling and pain.
Search for the best lower back pain relief that you can use at home or in the office. You can do the exercise; take medicines, and many others. The choice is yours.

Pain Relief Info

What is the definition of pain? According to medical experts, it is an unpleasant emotional and sensory experience. It is oftentimes associated with damaged body tissues. Pain is a personal experience and it varies from one individual to another. Pain management is a discipline used by medical professionals today in order to cope with pain. Trained physicians can help patients suffering from acute, chronic, and progressive pain in eliminating the unpleasant experience.
Trauma can lead to acute pain. It is reversible but there is a need to correct any underlying problem. Chronic pain is caused by certain conditions that can’t be easily diagnosed. In this case, it will be quite difficult to reverse it; typical examples are referred pain, neuropathy, and cancer. If you’re suffering from such conditions, pain management is introduced individually to meet the varying needs of the sufferer. Pain is already a symptom of the disease so it would be impossible to remove it at once.
Pain management is a multi disciplinary approach used by only qualified professionals. The approach is a combination of interventional procedures, narcotics, and analgesics. Aside from that, the approach also involves cognitive therapy and biofeedback, also known as psychological measures. Practitioners of pain management are considered experts in their own medical field. Medical professionals who practice pain management include psychiatrists, neurologists, anesthesiologists, and physiatrists. These individuals are experts in handling pain, whether in the use of drugs and in other interventional measures.
Nurses and doctors give particular attention to pain management because it is a major area in the medical field. When treating various kinds of diseases, pain management is already part of the treatment program especially in the case of serious accidents, tumors, and cancer.
With the help of the doctors, nurses, and other concerned personnel, the patient will better understand his or her condition. If they know what they are dealing with, it will be easier to address the pain problem.
Pain is not always physical. Some individuals tend to suffer from emotional pain. It is vital that pain sufferers consult the appropriate medical expert. In most cases, referrals are being utilized. If a certain medical practitioner can’t handle the pain problem, the patient will be referred to the appropriate pain management expert.
Not all patients are willing to take drugs and other interventional measures provided by medical experts. Some say that they don’t want to experience the side effects of such drugs or medications. For those individuals who are tired of using conventional medicines to handle pain, they can turn to alternative pain relief tools.
What are these alternative approaches? It includes yoga, Reiki, herbs, and other natural means of relieving pain. If you want to opt for these approaches, it would be best to consult the experts and experienced individuals. In the case of herbs, you can search the internet for local herbalists to help you with the herbal preparations. If you want to learn more about yoga or Reiki, you should contact the yoga practitioners in your area. Learning from the experts will ensure your safety and the effectiveness of such approach. There are also online resources that can help you finding videos, CDs or DVDs on meditation techniques.
Pain relief can be addressed using conventional medicine but the pain sufferer can also opt for the alternative methods. It’s a good thing that people today can choose the best treatment that suits their needs.

Pain Relief for Your Aching Muscles

Soft tissues are vulnerable to injuries, both chronic and acute. The best way to repair injured soft tissues is through hands-on approach. Consult a chiropractic doctor or an osteopath because they know how to manipulate the soft tissues and how to mobilize them. Aside from that, you can also try physical therapy and massage.
Individuals who haven’t tried Massage Therapy are hesitant to try such approach and they get really nervous. Well, you’re not the only person who’s anxious of getting a massage. Oftentimes, patients tend to ask question like if they need to take off their clothes, if they should talk to the massager, or what they would do just in case they get uncomfortable. These are common questions that require immediate answers.
Firstly, you need to look for a massage therapist in your area. You can ask for referrals or you can check out the different massage parlors in your locality. Once you find a massage parlor, it’s now time to talk with the therapist. You will be asked to provide some vital information about your health and your current health concerns. You see, the therapist needs to analyze your condition so that he or she can determine what techniques to use and what not to use. This is important to ensure your safety.
Aside from the personal questions, the therapist will also ask you about your preference when it comes to the actual therapy. The therapist will try to meet all your preferences to ensure comfort. The most commonly used oils are lavender, cajeput, and tea tree oil but you will still be asked to choose scented oils. The reason why therapists prefer these oils is because they soothe inflammations and irritations. The oils also desensitize and penetrate nerve endings, thereby giving pain relief. However, if the therapist doesn’t ask you, you can bring up your concerns and preferences.
The question of getting undressed is another consideration. Therapists prefer to work with a patient who doesn’t have clothes on because they can easily work on the different areas of the body. However, if you’re uncomfortable in such setting, you can talk to your therapist about it. Besides, you will not be asked to expose your whole body because you will use a drape. If you still want to wear clothes, make sure that you wear loose clothes so that the therapist can still work well on the affected areas of your body.
You will simply lie down on the massage table. Some tables have bolsters for more comfort. There are also times when you will be asked to move so that the therapist can better access the area being massaged. If the position makes you uncomfortable, tell the therapist at once.
During the therapy, you can talk to the therapist or you can remain silent. When changing positions, then there is a need to talk but after that, there is no need to converse with the therapist. It is up to you to tell the therapist if you like a conversation during the therapy or if you prefer to be silent.
Don’t worry if your body is oily after the massage. The therapist will help you in removing them so that the oils will not stain your clothes.
Massage is an effective pain relief tool. Why don’t you try it now?

Pain Relief and Yoga

Are you in pain? If you are, then you will be glad to hear that there is another pain relief option available to you – Yoga. A lot of individuals suffering from any kind of pain are now turning to alternative methods to relieve pain. They have grown tired of using medicines or drugs which oftentimes have undesirable side effects.
A great number of people are suffering from chronic pain and for quite some time now, they were able to spend a huge amount of money in purchasing pain relievers. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to get rid of pain. Read on and you will find out how to naturally address your body aches in an inexpensive way.
Perhaps you’re already familiar with meditation. People who are suffering from pain can benefit greatly from mind and body medicine. Through centuries, meditation was used by people to achieve a relaxed state of mind and body. It is truly an effective tool in relieving pain. Aside from relieving pain, meditation can also maintain your overall health and it helps in boosting the body’s resistance against diseases.
If you want to cope with pain, try meditation now. Meditation techniques are now being taught in some clinics all over the world. Stress is a very common cause of pain which can lead to headaches, eczema, arthritis, back pains, and other health conditions. Meditation can also work for almost anything especially if you do it right.
The body produces endorphins and this hormone is said to give humans a good feeling. It is also helps in alleviating stress and in reducing pain. Through meditation, the production of endorphins is enhanced so you will soon feel better.
When you’re meditating, your brain is in a coherent and synchronous state. Large quantities of endorphins are produced so you will feel good. You will be at peace. It’s easier to feel happy and connected to your body and mind.
Pleasurable experiences stimulate the brain and because of this fact, it will be easier to overcome pain and depression. Yoga meditation makes use of different techniques and you can choose only the ones you prefer.
Breathing is usually the initial step to achieve awareness. Breathing patterns are followed to provide body relaxation. When the breathing rate is slowed down, your body will also calm down and relax. If your body is relaxed, you will also feel less pain.
When meditating, you will also ponder on the realities of life and its ever changing concepts. You must be able to understand yourself in order to view things differently. When your perspectives are changed, you will also begin to deal with problems or pain effectively. Inner peace is achieved and you will feel more in control of your life. Emotional transformation can improve your overall health and it helps in reducing physical symptoms and pain.
Pain and anxiety can also be effectively addressed through visualization techniques. You will simply imagine a relaxing and pleasant place or activity from your past. By doing so, you will feel calm and relaxed thereby reducing pain.
Through meditation, chi or prana flows through your body giving you more energy. Such energy can be directed to improve health conditions and relieve pain. Yoga meditation has its benefits and for centuries, people have already proved its efficacy. Learn the various yoga meditation techniques now and use it as a pain relief tool.

Pain Relief and Hypnosis

For many years now, hypnosis has and is still being used for different purposes. Did you know that it can also be an effective tool for pain relief?
Hypnosis is just another alternative method to rid your body of pain but you should not use it as a substitute for medical examinations. Pain can be eliminated using different hypnosis techniques. Is there really a connection between pain relief and hypnosis? Read on and you will find out.
You’re probably aware by now that your brain is responsible for telling your body that it is in pain. Hypnosis is a method that concentrates on the minds of its patients. Now, if hypnosis can tell your brain that there is no pain, then there is a possibility that you won’t feel any pain.
People tend to have different pain levels. For instance, mild irritation can be viewed by others as agony. Pain is not the same among individuals. What might seem very painful to you may be just slight pain to your friend. Hypnosis works on your subconscious mind and it redirects the body’s pain indicators. Such pain indicators should not reach the brain because once it does, you will feel pain.
Giving birth is really painful. In some clinics and hospitals, women who give birth utilize hypnosis as a pain killer and it really works. However, hypnosis can only be performed by an experienced individual. Although some patients may welcome it, there are still others who hesitate to try it. They fear that such technique won’t work and the pain will persist.
If you want to get rid of the pain you’re feeling, you should always think positive. Chronic pain can be very irritating as it affects your routine activities. According to some studies, hypnosis can address chronic pain. Hypnosis sessions should be done regularly for better results. Who can benefit from hypnosis as a pain relief method? Individuals suffering from hip pain, knee pain, arthritis, and chronic pain can turn to hypnosis for pain relief.
Even those patients who lost their limbs (i.e. arms and legs) can turn to hypnosis. Losing an arm or a leg is devastating. Even if the wounds are healed, the patient still feels pain. Hypnosis is an excellent tool to get rid of the pain. It will also help the individual in accepting his present condition. Acceptance is important in getting rid of the pain. Again, it’s all in the mind. If you tell your mind that everything’s fine and that it’s okay to have lost an arm/leg, the pain will gradually disappear; find a qualified individual who performs hypnosis in your area. If you want, you can also ask how much it’s going to cost you. Oftentimes, the rate is per session of the hypnosis. If you can afford to pay for regular sessions, then you can start as soon as possible.
Pain receptors are quick but if a certain method or medicine can redirect it, the pain will surely be gone in no time. Search the internet now for professionals who practice hypnosis. There are lots of online resources that can help you out. If you’re still unsure about this procedure, do a bit of research. By learning more about this effective procedure, you will have no second thoughts in trying it out. Hurry and try it now especially if you’re suffering from chronic or progressive pain.

Pain Relief and Arthritis

According to medical experts, when you have arthritis, you’re likely to suffer other diseases. People who have arthritis often feel joint pains because it is accompanied by inflammation. Arthralgia is the medical term for the joint pain. There are over 40 million arthritis sufferers in the United States and they are all continuously looking for effective pain relief. The disease is considered debilitating because sufferers can hardly stand the inflammation and pain.
Arthritis can affect different parts of your body but in most cases, the pain and inflammation occurs on the – tendinitis, fibromyalgia, sclerodermal, and joint types or articular. Tendinitis aims at the tendons; Sclerodermal refers to the thickening of the connective tissue and skin; when the muscles become tender and sore especially when touched, it is called fibromyalgia; and the articular refers to lupus or gout and it can be really painful.
You can’t really tell when arthritis is going to hit you; whether you’re young or old, you can suffer from arthritis. At present, a majority of arthritis sufferers have Osteo-Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. People who have these conditions feel persistent back and joint pains. The causes of Osteo-arthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis are different, as well as the effects and risk factors. If you’re also suffering from the same symptoms, you can choose among the different pain relief devices, drugs, and products sold in the market.
In the US, Osteo-arthritis affects more or less 21 million individuals in different age ranges. If you have this condition, it’s natural to have swollen limbs. Your joint cartilage is affected and it also results to stiffness. The condition is commonly called OA and it can affect different body parts like the spine, hips, knees, and fingers. Other parts like the ankles, shoulders, elbows, and wrists can also be affected but this seldom happens. According to medical experts, these parts are subject to OA if there is a history of unusual stress or injury. Physical trauma and repetitive injury during early age can also cause OA.
The common OA symptoms are intermittent or steady joint pain, stiffness especially an inactive period, tenderness or swelling of a joint/joints, and crunchy feeling when you use your joints.
The only way to determine if you have OA is through an x-ray test. If the symptoms are already present, the doctor will request an x-ray test. The x-ray results will reveal the cartilage deformation as well as the tissues around it. Joint Aspiration can also be performed by a qualified doctor. A synovial fluid will be taken from your affected joints with the use of a tiny needle.
Rheumatoid arthritis is another dreaded condition because it is characterized by chronic and progressive pain of the joints. The synovial tissues tend to increase in size and this is called hyperplasia. This condition provokes bone and cartilage destruction. Damaged cells will eventually die and it also promotes abnormal growth of the surrounding tissues.
Natural products like cod liver, olive oil, and ginger act as pain relievers. These are renowned and affordable products which can relieve pain effectively. Try them out now and see the pain relievers can also work for you. When you feel chronic and progressive joint pains, consult a doctor right away because you may be suffering from arthritis already. It would be best to address your condition at an early stage to prevent the onset of undesirable effects of the disease.

Essential Information on Pain Relief

As you know, too much of anything is not good. This also applies to the use of drugs for pain relief. Being too dependent on drugs is also not good for your body. Because of this fact, many people are now turning to electronic machines or devices for pain relief. If you don’t want to feel any side effects from the use of pain reliever drugs, the best option would be the devices or machines. Such digital machines are convenient because once you wear them the pain relieving action takes effect. Your routine activities are not even affected.
Have you ever about the effectiveness of TENs? TENs or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation works through your skin. In order to use it, you will put the patch on the skin area where you feel any pain. This conductive patch will serve as the entry point of the electrical impulses from the TENs machine.
Your brain tells you that you’re in pain. The electronic impulses from the machine block the sensory nerves of your body so that the pain signals cannot go to the brain. If the pain signals are blocked, you will not feel any pain; thus, resulting to pain relief. The machine generates signals that aid in the release of ‘feel good’ hormones or endorphin.
Back pain is quite common and if you’re also suffering from it, you can try using the machine. According to a Swedish study, the machine really works. In fact, about 70% of workers were satisfied of the pain relieving results of the TENs.
The recent TENs kits already comes with an electrical probe which can help in stimulating the acupuncture points of your body. The machines always come with cautions so that users will know where to put the pads. For neck and head pain, you should follow the machine instructions so that you can determine the acupuncture points or the channels. Read the manual carefully so that you won’t encounter any problems.
For the machine to be effective, you should know how to position the electrode pads. If you’re suffering from joint or muscle pain, the pads should be positioned near the pain source. For those suffering from nerve pain (sciatic), the pads should be placed over the sides of the spinal column and the leg’s top portion. Consult your medical specialist and ask about the machine. There are lots of medical practitioners out there who encourage the use of TENs. They can help you in effectively using the equipment. Proper placement of the electrode pads is vital. Always follow the guideline of the manufacturer so that you can get the best results. Keep in mind that the electrode pads should not be placed over the brain/neck/throat nerves, as well as near your eyes.
The machine allows users to control the electrical signals received by the body. You should always check for the settings of the machine. Muscle twitching is an indication that the control setting is too high. Make sure that you feel only tingling sensations when using the TENs.
Don’t use the machine without the supervision of a qualified medical professional. You see, not all pain conditions can be relieved by the machine. Through expert help, you can determine if the TENs is the most suitable pain relief option for you. Ask your doctor now and if he or she recommends the use of the machine, you can always try it out.

Alternative Pain Relief Options

Certain drugs have undesirable effects and for this reason, a great number of individuals have second thoughts in using them. Here are alternative pain relief options for you.
Ever since humans existed, pain is already a part of life. Pain also has varying degrees. An individual can suffer from emotional pain, physical pain, etc. It would be impossible to avoid pain all the days of y9ur life. You must accept the fact that pain is part of life but if you don’t want to use conventional medicine, you can always turn to alternative methods.
Famous drugs can indeed help especially in the case of tooth extraction or when there is injury. Trademark medicines are numerous these days and there are also creams to relieve any kind of pain. For common pains, you can also use certain natural treatments and herbal supplements.
What are the alternative options for pain relief? Well, here they are:
Massage – many years ago, ancient civilization was already using massage to get rid of certain body pains. Oriental traditions believe that at the center of the massager’s palm is an energy source that can immediately rid the patient of pain. Its efficacy has long been proven. Have you ever heard about infant massage? Mothers are encouraged to give their babies infant massage to relieve muscular pains. At present, massage therapy is already considered a profession. If you don’t want to take medicines, consider this an effective and affordable pain relief option.
Acupuncture – this ancient science was first used in China. In this method, the acupuncturist inserts tiny needles to the ‘meridians’ found in the different parts of the body. You can find a lot of information about acupuncture on magazines, newspapers, and on the internet. If you want to choose this option, make sure that you contact a real acupuncturist to ensure your safety. Get only the professional.
Herbs – herbs have healing wonders. Depending on the location and nature of the pain, there is always an appropriate herb that you can use. You can now find natural herbal supplements and preparations for ease of use. Minor pains can be effectively addressed using herbs.
Relaxation Therapy - you need to achieve deep relaxation of the mind and body. A therapy is now widely prescribed by some medical experts; examples are Reiki and Yoga.
Even if you plan to use these alternative options, it is still important that you seek medical attention from a qualified professional. If you plan to turn to herbs, you need to consult an herbalist so that you can make the appropriate herbal preparations. The other alternative options also require professional attention so that you can ensure the efficacy and safety of such methods. It may take a while before you can see the effects but you need to be patient especially if you’re learning Reiki and Yoga.
If you exert a little effort in learning the alternative methods, you can achieve desirable results. For centuries, people relied on natural ways to relieve pain. There is no harm in trying and if such alternative methods don’t work, you can always go back to using conventional medicine. Safety should always be your first consideration when using pain relievers. Who would want to worsen their situation right? So what’s its going to be – massage, acupuncture, herbs, or relaxation therapy? Choose now and experience a different way to get rid of pain.

Overcoming Fear of Failure

The Fear of Failure
Fear of failure is common for obvious reasons. People want success and yet only those who are brave enough to confront this type of fear are the ones able to rise above their fears and achieve whatever goals they have set for themselves. For those who were overcome with this fear, then they are prevented from realizing their potential.
The most destructive element entailed with the fear of failure is one's inability to take criticism or feedback well. Instead, they tend to magnify the mistakes they have created along the way until it overtakes their mind such that it is difficult to get rid of them. There are also instances wherein the fear of failure is so immense that people tend to limit themselves to the point of not trying for fear of failing.
Steps to Overcoming This Fear
Why must fear of failure be given attention on, you might ask. Unless you are able to let go of the fear of failure, then you are unable to achieve your desired result. Oftentimes, fear of failure produces negative thoughts that reduce your actual potential. You think you are incapable of achieving something when it fact you can.
Once you are brave enough to do something about this fear, then you are able to provide yourself more freedom to do what you need to do and succeed at it. Here are some basic methods you can try.
Do Something About the Fear
Fear of failure immobilizes you. You become so wrapped up with the fear that you will eventually fail that you rather not try. But when you don't try, you neither fail nor succeed. Therefore, make that decisive action towards conquering your fear. If you should fail, then you will create awareness of the factors that will contribute towards your success. If you succeed, then you can reward yourself with that.
Find Alternatives
There are several factors that contribute as to why you fail or succeed at doing something. Whichever it is, you need to look at your behavior towards something and the result achieved. But the most important step you can take is never to associate your failure with yourself. You can always get back up and try other alternative methods to achieve your goals. You can try doing things differently as the methods you use could be the reason why you failed in your attempt.
Learning From Failure
This is the best that you can take out from the experience and also one of the more effective ways to get rid of this fear. Instead of putting all the blame on yourself as to why you failed in your endeavors, take it as a learning experience instead. This will enable you to prevent failing in the future yet again. Consider the following questions as they can provide the answers in your need to conquer the fear of failure:
• Where did you commit mistakes?• How could you prevent the mistake from happening?• Where can I make improvements?
Failures must always be translated into a learning experience. That way, you have more opportunities to learn and do better. After all, if you have not experienced any type of failure, then you would not have the means towards changing for the better. In terms of conquering this type of fear, it is important that you learn how to confront and overcome them. Or else, you could end up repeating the same mistake or worse that your fear of failure could prevent you from following your goals.

Overcoming Dental Fear

About Dental Fear
Dental fear is another common fear shared by many individuals. Despite the importance of dental care, there are quite many who despise the idea of going to the dentist for a visit. For some people, the pain associated with any type of dental problems is tied up with the fear of that dreaded visit to the dentist. Statistics reveal that dentists are the most feared out of any type of doctors.
It is no surprise as to why dental fear is so prevalent given the different situational causes to it.
Cause of Dental Fear
The fear of dentists vary in their intensity such that some people are afraid of undergoing intricate dental procedures while others dislike the idea of seeing the dentist at all. Due to the importance of dental care as part of taking care of your body, it is also important to assess your level of fear so you can undertake the necessary steps to overcome it.
If you examine the causes for dental fear, these are quite familiar. Therefore, you need to be able to identify them before you can think of ways to eliminate them.
• Previous terrible experience with a dentist.
• Fear of being embarrassed or ridiculed for your dental condition. This is quite problematic since your own fear is also the reason for your dental neglect in the first place.
• Fear of certain dental procedures, specially intricate ones that you might perceive as painful.
• Others own scary or terrible experiences with the dentist that impact your own perception about dentists and having a dental check-up on a whole.
• Fear of the anesthesia shots and needles registered by the dentist before proceeding to any dental procedure.
Behavioral Techniques To Overcome Dental Fear
As with any other types of fear, dental fear mostly takes place in the mind. Therefore, you can try to combat it with a few psychological methods that will enable you to confront this fear. By following them, you are not entirely guaranteed of being able to let go of that fear altogether. However, it can help you understand that this type of fear can be illogical and enable you to appreciate the importance of having frequent dental care.
The Comfort Zone
This is an important concept associated with psychological fears involved with your dental fear. Undergoing dental procedures can be scary, but you can get over that by re-learning the emotional responses solicited by the experience. This is most common among children. For example, you can try doing basic check up wherein the doctor examines the teeth using a mouth mirror. If a child shows no signs of fear from that, then you can proceed to a more elaborate test. Taking this step by step process and moving in slowly will enable the child or individual to remain in their comfort zone. This is a more useful approach among adults given that they can voice out their experience so that you remain as relaxed about the entire dental visit.
Knowing You're In Control
This one is related to the idea of the “comfort zone”, which is basically about letting your dentist know whether or not you are comfortable about the dental proceedings. It is important that you learn how to effectively communicate with your dentist so they remain aware about your state throughout the entire procedure. If at some point you become quite anxious about the situation, then it is best to send out warning signals so your dentist know when to stop or proceed.
Also, you need to keep it in mind that dental procedures are not going to hurt. That is what the numbing agent is for, which is also another reason why you should not fear those shots administered before any procedure. Once you have motivated yourself enough to dismiss all these thoughts of fear and anxiety, then you'd be able to come out of the procedure with a healthier dental condition.

Overcoming Childhood Fears

About Childhood Fears
Fear affects anyone regardless of age. However, children are more prone to develop fears because they scope of understanding about society and things in general is still quite limited. The same also applies to their reasoning capacity in terms of identifying what is rational or irrational. Which is also the reason why childhood fears are often cited as irrational fears because they are mostly products of the mind and are not legitimate forms of fear where the feeling could create its source from.
One thing that everyone needs to understand though is that developing fear is completely normal. Some can develop at an early age or later in life, but they are always triggered by events or encounters in one's life. Whether it is caused by something you experienced yourself or have not but creates a certain level of fear, then it is important to identify where the source of fear is. These are what is referred to as rational fears. Irrational fears, on the other hand, are more commonly known as childhood fears since they are not triggered by actual material world and are often imaginary.
Since they are usually produced by your mind, then overcoming them could entail more work. Some say it is an effect caused by the development of a child's mental and emotional activity, as well as exposure to new people or environment. However, a few also insist that childhood fears must be conquered as it can potentially be harmful and limiting for the child.
How Do You Overcome Them?
Most individuals who suffer from childhood fears do not rely learn to let go of that fear and as a result carry that fear with them even when they're grown up. This level of fear is often categorized as childhood trauma though, and can be caused by extremely disturbing events in his or her childhood years.
But whether you are still a child going through these fears or an adult who has not completely overcome these fears, then it is not yet too late to look for ways to free yourself off these fears. One way to get started is to realize the extent of your fear and devise ways in which you can relieve the burden.
Here are two effective ways to face and conquer childhood fears.
Confronting Fears
Recognizing fears is your first step towards finding overcoming it. Unless you identify the source of your fears, you will never be able to find a solution or treatment for it. Since most childhood fears are irrational, it is best to talk about it with your friends or family members. Talking enables you to release any emotional burden that you experience as an effect of these childhood fears. Though it seem rather easy, talking about your childhood fears to other people is never easy. However, you need to be open with this idea in order to relieve any tension.
Seeking Professional Help
If you are not open to the idea of discussing your fears with family or friends, then seeking professional help is the best step towards overcoming childhood fears. Psychological experts are equipped with the proper training and knowledge that would help people suffering from fears and traumas to release their fears. You can also benefit from seeking psychological help in order to deal with your childhood issues and let go of any fears that you had to deal with over the years.

Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Fear of Public Speaking
This is one of the most common fears that people has, which is making a speech before an audience. Although this task appears to be rather straightforward, there are several factors that could come into play, which makes this a legitimate type of fear instead of being an irrational one.
Even those people whose job requires them to speak before a group of people are not exempted from this fear, which is surprising knowing that they do it often. So you might as well picture those individuals who only get to perform public speaking on given occasions and the amount of fear that is entailed with the task. In fact, the fear is so massive that it can result to stress for some people. This requires some attention knowing that some people who experience fear of public speaking end up not delivering a quality speech since they are overtaken by that fear. Indeed, the feeling of fear can cloud one's ability to focus on the task at hand. After all, an effective public speaking produces a satisfying experience for both the public speaker and its audience.
Steps to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking
Public speaking isn't an activity to be feared about. If this does not do the trick for you, then you might want to consider applying the following perspectives and behavior towards this and hopefully be able to overcome this type of fear.
Public Speaking Isn't Supposed to be Stressful
Fear of public speaking is quite common that some people think it is inherently stressful. Well, it is time you know it is not! Communicating with others is an activity with which humans do everyday, so why should public speaking be any different? Therefore, one way to overcome the fear of public speaking is to imagine this activity as any regular communication that you do everyday. The only difference with public speaking is that you are addressing more people than you normally would.
Acquiring this new perspective is not something that you can achieve overnight, though. However, just focus on what you need to share during your public speaking and less on the actual delivery process to lift off the burden.
Give Up The Idea of Delivering a Perfect Speech!
This is another major culprit as to why people fear the idea of speaking in public. Indeed, the idea of embarrassing yourself in front of many people is frightening. But the content of your speech is what is these people will remember, not how you flawlessly delivered the speech. Once you are able to get rid of this anxiety, then you will find that you become less frightened with the idea of making public speeches or talking in front of large groups.
Focus on the Purpose of the Speech!
One of the most common “hidden” causes of stress associated with public speaking is related to the cause above, which is trying to impress the audience with your delivery. Focus on what value the audience can get from your speech delivery instead of trying to make an impression on them. Although delivery will boost your success at a public speaking activity, the most important thing is to communicate effectively with them. If it offers any consolation, not all public speakers get 100% approval from their audience anyway.
Becoming a Good Public Speaker
Now that you have recognized the major cause of fear that most people experience when public speaking, here are factors that are important in not just overcoming this fear but also doing a good job at your speech.
• Study your subject matter thoroughly so you can be confident when its time to deliver it.• Polish your speaking skills. This will enable you to relay the information clearly and authoritatively.• Prepare all of your presentation materials so you can deliver an organized speech. • Practice your delivery. Even the best public speakers do this.

How Do You Overcome Fears?

What is Fear?
Fear is one type of emotion that impacts one's life significantly. Animals and humans alike have this emotional response based on any events in the environment that poses danger, whether physical, mental, or emotional. Indeed, fear takes on different forms and it will be discussed later. However, the effect that fear has on a person is important because it can potentially alter one's life and how he or she deals with the environment.
How do you know when one is undergoing fear? Despite of its cause, there are common physical indicators of fear. They are as follows:
• increase in heart rate and blood pressure• tightened muscles• inability to focus your senses• dilated pupils• sweating
Different Forms of Fear
Fear comes in various forms. And yet, its effects are similarly devastating to the person involved. There are various triggers for these fears but all have the potential to impact one's ability to think clearly and respond to situations logically.
Below is a list of the different forms of fears:
• Places: crowds, enclosed places, below ground, or heights• Animals: rats, snakes, mice, spiders, etc• People: strangers, homosexuals, feeling over-responsible for others, talking to groups of people, etc• Events: war, crime, public speaking, etc• Family member/loved ones: death of family member, getting ill• Disaster: hurricane, lightening, injury or pain, blood, death, earthquake, etc• Other people's reactions or responses: rejection, disapproval, being humiliated, being ignored, pretension, insecurity• Feelings about one's self: taking the leadership role, speaking to a large crowd, stage fright, embarassing yourself
There are more different categories of fear that is experienced by people, hence people response differently. Some are able to use that fear they experience in order to sharpen their responses to a given situation. Others, however, do not have control over the level of fear they are experiencing, which often leads to panicking.
Negative Impacts of Fear
Fear is not always negative, provided that you learn how to deal with the feeling of fear. And yet it can be potentially dangerous when the feeling of fear has gotten really extreme. Therefore, it is important that you are able to understand where fear is coming from and deal with it logically. If not, it can lead to you making irrational responses on the situation at hand, such as the following:
• Inability to make clear and logical decisions.• Prevents your ability to trust in your surroundings and other people, which is crucial in your own growth and development. • Brings about fear of change due to the uncertainty of events, even though the situation requires it.• Results to resistance of help from others.• It confines you and unable you to explore opportunities that come your way.• You become unmotivated to pursue your dreams.• Tendency to exhibit self-destructive behavior.
Confronting Your Fears
Before you even think about overcoming your fears, confronting them is a necessary first step. You start off by recognizing your fear. If you have several types of fears, then you can rank them according to intensity. That way, you will be able to recognize which fear needs attended to the most as it can also produce the most negative impact to you.
The best way to get yourself to confront your fears is realizing what you can get once you have let go of these fears. The lack of such fears in your life will motivate you to take steps to rid yourself of it. Whether it's regaining control over your life or improving your own self image, losing that fear will help boost your confidence about yourself and the world so you can become a better individual.
Overcoming Fears
The most effective means to overcoming your fears is to change your perspective and behavior towards it. Since it is not easy to do, you need to keep yourself motivated in order to live life free of fears. The first step is identification of fear, which is closely tied with the step of confronting your fear. Then, honestly assess the extent of your fear. This is the only way that you can logically come up with methods that can reduce or eliminate the fear you are experiencing.
When you encounter a stimuli that could potentially trigger the feeling of fear, think of ways to release tension and keep yourself in a relaxed state. This is important since once you have acknowledged fear, it can quickly consume and overtake you. If possible, tap the help of others (whether your friends or family) to provide assistance in conquering your fears. Lastly, this is a long-term procedure and you cannot expect to get rid of your fears overnight.

Five Effective Steps to Overcoming Fears

Overcoming fears might appear simple in concept, but actual application of these techniques are never easy, especially for the person directly involved. Depending on the intensity of the fear, some people might be able to confront it themselves while others require the help of others. Nonetheless, it is important that you do something about it. When you are able to successfully overcome your fears, you will open up more opportunities for personal and career growth while also forging more successful relationships.
Taking Slow and Steady Steps
This is highly suggested for individuals who have difficulty coping with the overwhelming feeling of fear that people often experience. It does not necessarily mean that the fear is so intense as it can be as simple as your fear of being rejected on your request for a date, but it concerns one's inability to take action due to the presence of fear. Hence, take one initial, small step instead of aiming for a big one right away. Being able to do that should provide you enough confidence to take succeeding steps.
In order for you to build up courage and make that small step, identifying your fear is essential. Before long, you will realize that your confidence will extend to other areas of your life as well.
Find a Motivation
Overcoming fears often entail a difficult process that requires time. When this happens, people often can easily get demoralized. One way to keep yourself actively make an effort to combat your fears is by replacing your negative thoughts with ones that motivate.
One way to concretize this step is to list down all the benefits that you can get if you decide to make that change, which is to overcome your fears. Seeing all these wonderful benefits that you can enjoy should motivate you to get going in your advocacy to eliminate fear in your life.
Changing Perspectives
When people suffer from failure or rejection, it often spirals into more negative thoughts that lead to self-destructive behaviors. However, all people go through failure at some point in their lives. This is a reality that you need to understand and be aware of.
It is therefore recommended that you change your view about failure and rejection. Instead of letting it demoralize you, use it as a learning process instead where you can pinpoint areas of your life that needs to be improved if success were to be desired.
Facing Your Reality
Most fears are associated with unpleasant experiences in the past or worries about the future. Therefore, one way you can overcome such fears is to focus on the present. Learn how to make plans and realize them. This is your best bet at succeeding in life and your endeavors, instead of wearing yourself out with worries and fears. If you fail to get yourself out of that situation, you neither fail nor achieve anything.
Redefining Your Perceptions of Fear
One of the most effective ways to overcome fears is to redefine yourself and how you view fear. You need to actively participate in each of these steps in order to effectively progress in your fight against fear. When you dedicate yourself at these steps, then they will eventually become natural to you. Also, it allows you to see things in a more positive light where fear does not exist.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Who is a Reiki Master?

The term Reiki has its Japanese roots. Literally, Rei signifies God's Wisdom or Higher Power whereas Ki denotes Life Force Energy. The Japanese Makao Usui is said to have rediscovered this Tibetan kind of healing. After his death, his disciples continued its practice until today that the discipline has already been passed on to the Masters from varying generations and cultures. In the course of this healing practice, a Reiki Master plays an important role. This article focuses on the introduction of who a Reiki Master is and how he fulfills his role of molding the learners.
An Introduction of the Master
The Master is the person who has devoted his time and energy in learning the art of healing that is known as Reiki. He studied and earned the degrees relevant to enhancing his skills in self-healing, healing others, and teaching the Reiki students. Prior to being qualified as a teacher, he has to prove himself proficient in executing all techniques in the lower degrees or levels both with mastery and efficiency and then he must move on to studying the Master Level or Master Degree.
Looking into the entirety of the Master, you will see a person who performs the healing art with due proficiency. He is the kind of an individual who is able to feel the calling along with the willingness to assume the responsibility of being a mentor, an initiator, and above all, a teacher. He is the certified person who can teach the methodologies and then attune other students into this kind of healing art.
The Master's Skills Enumerated
As the Master of Reiki teaching, he is endowed with numerous skills that has something to do with the spiritual healing. Included herein are his communication skills, the transforming, and handling of different types of emotional responses, carrying on the therapeutic figures, specializing in the teaching skills, and overcoming any resistance to perform the healing motivation.. Since Reiki is comprised of various levels, the Master should be knowledgeable enough in granting his students an in-depth knowledge in every level that he handles. It is furthermore required that he is capable of teaching all the encompassing levels or degrees.
Using the Energy
The master should therefore have the rightful knowledge on the usage of the life energy. As per the Reiki theory is concerned, the energy flows towards the target. Thus, it is exhibited to where the attention of the healer is directed. The symbols play a vital role in this sense especially in the production of the energy. There are different symbols involved and they all generate the respective energy. The produced energies are later on utilized for several objectives like stress relief and stress release, healing, and in curing a myriad of problems.
The Learning Course of the Masters
There are numerous courses that help mold a Master in Reiki. Reiki itself revolves within the straightforward philosophy of self-healing prior to healing other people. A Master's first challenge is that of healing himself because it is the only way on how he will be able to heal and help other people. During the training, the student who aims to become a Master is aided in resolving his personal past issues so he can better hold the rein of his own emotions. The mind training likewise helps a lot in provoking the manifestations of his own wants.
At any rate, the Reiki Master has a spiritual power that should never be underestimated. With all the positive energies in him, he is sure to influence the outpour of positive results.

The Purpose of Reiki Healing

Reiki healing has been in continuing practice for several years now. It is recognized to be a great tool that is aimed at personal treatment and growth. Reiki energy is rooted from an optimal spiritual source which never fails to come up with the best results. The healing applies for the spirit, the mind, and the body which has to serve as the guide in an individual's journey called life. Reiki likewise aids in the enhancement of the personal talents. Of course, all of these can only materialize if you prefer to get attuned to this sacred practice. There exists a sacred covenant that has to be maintained and nurtured for always.
Learning the Program of Self-Healing
For you to be able to acquire the depth of the knowledge on Reiki's self-healing process, you must develop a sensible time for practice. You need to master different techniques. The way on how you execute it will move you forward near your goal or pull you away from your desired aim. In the course of self-healing, the appropriate technique must be used and thus should be learned by you. If you are qualified enough to do so, you may choose to develop your own healing system which will work to your advantage. If you have your spirit, mind, and heart into Reiki, you will surely succeed.
The Allotted Time for Self-Healing
The Reiki system of self-healing is best done by regularly allotting at least 30 minutes to yourself. It is time that you realize how important it is to value yourself and therefore spend some time for your complete healing. You may use either the scanning or hand positions as your technique. Your focus should be on those regions that require healing the most. As the session begins, you will be carefully guided as to where your hands should go and which body part should you touch. You have to feel everything that you are doing. Let the energy flow and feel it vibrating. While the session is going on, ponder on your daily activities and where your life is heading. It is by means of thinking over your practice in life will your quest for self-healing produce a great impact. This is a kind of technique that promotes the development of a healthy attitude. More so, this self-reflection technique will similarly give you more room for the generation of very creative ideas and ways on how it will be best to handle your own troubles.
Self-Healing in Groups
Again, Reiki treatment can be administered to yourself or to others. Hence, you may form a special group with the rest of the Reiki self-healers whom you know and do the session altogether. This practice is a lot more effective because you don't only get to heal yourself but the rest of your group mates as well. A daily practice can do wonders. You will heal each other faster. The complete healing is also sure to materialize. The secret to it is the sharing of energy and support as the group gets on with the session.
Being in a group will give you the opportunity to discuss among yourselves the things that you want to get healed with. A once a week meeting will generate a more serious focus and a deeper purpose in each and every one of you. Let the prayers guide you through as you convene in the Reiki healing practice.

What You Need to Know about Reiki Treatment

If you have not yet heard of Reiki treatment, then now is the best time to get to know it. Reiki is an age old healing technique that utilizes energy of different levels to cure and attain the balance that should exist among the spirit, the mind, and the body. There are claims that the same technique had been used by none other than Jesus Christ along with the rest of the great spiritual healers of the times. The Reiki which the contemporary world is familiar with in these days is the same thing that had been rediscovered by Mikao Usui in the 20th century. Through time, the strategies have been adapted, used, and then mixed and matched so that explains why there are different variations that we have today. The variations that exist are in support of the known interpretations and belief systems. It is to be taken note that Reiki is not in any way related to a body of faith or religion. It exists in its own consciousness.
Understanding Reiki in a Better Way
In order to achieve a clearer view of Reiki and the system of treatment that it covers, one has to dig deeper into the essence of the philosophy of illness. The modern medical arena feeds on the fact that the human body is similar to a mechanical device that when any of the systems get damaged, it can be mended by means of repair or replacement. As a typical way of handling the human body dilemma, surgeries and drugs are often recommended. Say for example, a headache is cured by taking a pain reliever pill.
On the other hand, what is known as the holistic medicine employs a very different type of approach in addressing the human health. It respects each part that comprises an individual. It looks into the mental, the physical, the spiritual, and the emotional components of a person. It relies on the concept that once parts of the abovementioned systems malfunction, the rest of the body structures get affected. In fact, it poses its effect on the person's life in general.
To solve such ordeal, the main root of the problem should be tracked down. Once the body feels bad, the symptoms can be felt and spotted sooner or later. What the busy individuals fail to realize is that the body indicates some warning signs which when ignored may lead to more serious problems.
The Main Role of the Reiki Practitioners
The Reiki practitioners emphasize that the little warnings should never be ignored. They may appear insignificant at first but later on you will find out how serious the problem may be. Thus, they address this concern by making use of the Reiki energy to free or heal the problematic tissues. As soon as the symptoms have been eliminated, they encourage a change in the person's way of life. They fully point out how the balance in the overall health should be maintained and why it is very necessary to do so.
Many a times have Reiki treatment been regarded as valuable. Since the earliest time, this technique has never faltered. In these modern days, one should consider looking back to the days of yore when everything was yet balanced and harmonized. After all, it doesn't hurt to give it a shot.

Reiki Symbols Unfolded

What role do the Reiki symbols portray?
First and foremost, it is vital to understand the main role of these symbols. They are not ordinary in such way that they do stand for the sacred healing icons which are meant to improve the flow of the Life Force Energy. They are believed to be the keys that are able to open the doors to the higher level of manifestation and awareness. While the meaning that they denote may sound astounding, it is necessary for you to look at them in the same manner. After all, it is only by means of putting your faith in them that you will be able to achieve a different level of healing.
Where did they come from?
These symbols are derived from the Sanskrit language but which have taken the Japanese formation. The Sanskrit is considered to be the mother tongue of all the languages known to man. The Vedas own the language and Sanskrit forms most of the oldest writings. The Vedas claim that the latter is nonetheless the lingo utilized in the spirit world.
Why are these symbols shown?
Someone who studies these icons should be exposed to the forms and meanings of each and everything. The symbols likewise connect to the metaphysical energies. It is necessary to learn to associate every symbol with its corresponding purpose. Before a student gets attuned to the purpose of the use of the symbols, he has to understand that such procedure has been crafted with a strong sense of Divine covenant and the sacred connection must be maintained between the Creator and the one who is attuned.
The symbols also function using their own awareness. One can meditate on them and attain the guidance on their usage.
What are the involved symbols in Reiki?
The first symbol is called the Cho Ku Rei or the Power Symbol. Even in its absence, the Reiki Energy will continue to flow. However, as it is used, it is powerfully believed to heighten the amount of energy flow. It is centered at the treatment of the physical body and is commonly utilized at the very start of the healing session and at any moment that there is a need for more power.
Sei He Ki comes next and is the utilized symbol to address emotional and mental healing. It is also used for the purposes of purification, protection, balancing, and clearing. It targets the cause of any disease which normally lies in the subconscious mind or within the emotional body or within the conscious mind or the mental body. The healers believe that diseases are the manifestations of some things that need to be attended to and those which require mending. This symbol aims to correct the balance between the left and the right brain.
There is also the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. This is the symbol that transmits the Reiki energy across space and time. Meaning, the energy may transpire across the town, across the room, and even across several places all over the world. It transcends distance and can be used to connect time either in the past or future.
Dai Kyo Mo or the Master Symbol. The Light of the Buddha or the Light of the Awakened Heart is its primary essence. It denotes clairvoyance and wisdom which are important elements in the healing of the soul.
These Reiki symbols are considered sacred and are only to be employed by the rightful people.

Reiki Psychic Attunement Explained

What is meant by Reiki psychic attunement? How does it happen? How is it done? These are just among the questions that bother your mind. Read on and you will learn more.
An Explanation Generally, the attunement itself is the procedure which aids in the opening and expanding of your innate psychic abilities. Some believers of Reiki emphasize that the procedure assists in clearing you of the concerns that tend to bug your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies which furthermore enhance your own psychic gifts. To add to it, the attunement process brings about the healing energies. Although the latter are simply around us at all times, it does not follow that everyone can easily get them and be absorbed into their system because there are cases when their chakras appear to be imbalanced. It is also during the course of the attunement process that all of the metaphysical and universal laws as well as the Hermetic Law of Similarity are called for. There are also several other forms including the Usui, Tibetan, and Karuna Reiki which are employed by many to be able to perform the so-called distance healing symbols which are known to go across space and time. As a general rule, the experience that comes abound with the attunement requires no body of belief or religion for that matter. Also, the attunement can last for a lifetime and may be taken for several times.
Clearing the Misconception The name psychic attunement is often utilized to mean the process of a Reiki learner being harmonized with Reiki energy and its significance. It has to be clear though that the Reiki energy is not in any way a psychic force since the practitioner does not make use of the mind's power in the treatment session. Simply put, Reiki is likened to ESP, telepathy, or mind reading. Before, modern medicine was too stubborn to accept the efficacy of Reiky. However, after a few more struggles and proofs, it has somehow dedicated a certain spot for Reiky therapy. After all, it does not fall short of its effectiveness when the healing touch is being talked about.
Reiki and the Psychic Term The term psychic basically points to the powers manifested by the human mind. On the other hand, Reiki is the word that is used in describing the life force or energy that encompasses every living thing. "Life force" may exist through different terms and names in various cultures and countries but the entire concept remains the same.
Therefore, the practitioners of Reiki are not in any way psychics. They are the people who have gone through a rigorous learning experience in expanding their knowledge about life in general. They are also the ones who have tried their level best to learn how the human physical body works and responds to the energy around.
Furthermore, Reiky therapy is qualified as an alternative and complementary medicine. It is also termed as the "energy medicine". Although there are some people who may refer to it as the Reiky psychic attunement, it is to be understood that it does not fall under the category called psychic phenomena. The healers sense the illness or pain and when they get attuned, they can readily feel the warmth of all the energy just with the use of their bare hands.

Reiki Lesson - A Discussion of the Levels

As it has been previously discussed, Reiki is an art that needs to be inculcated to the learner only by a Master. The Master gets qualified to teach the new students after he has earned the Master Level or Master Degree. Reiki has been practiced for such a long time now especially if we are to trace its conventional roots. As it got rediscovered by a Japanese national, it became entwined into the Japanese roots. Throughout time, it traveled into several foreign places and pertinent changes were merged as it evolved. For now, Reiki therapy is more contemporary and at the same time versatile in nature and the Reiki lesson has become more stuffed too.
Getting to Know the Original Tradition The original version for which was pioneered by none other than Dr. Usui Mikao. There are times that the terms Usui Teiki Ryoho, Reiho, and Reiki Ryoho are used too. Again, traditionally speaking, the practice entails three levels or degrees. However, in this time and age, the schools or institutions that offer the course are offering up to seven levels. Its travelling into various parts of the world has contributed much changes to the original system.
The Levels Described You will find below the brief discussion of the four types of levels or degrees of Reiki. The lessons as taught in these levels are also covered. You know though that the lesson format varies from one school to another or from one Master to another. The Masters normally include the teachings that are based on their personal experience and expertise.
Reiki's First Degree. The first level deals entirely with the healing process as applied on the self. The lessons covered include the history of Reiki, the mythos that encompass it, the various associations that exist all over the world, and the traditions that have existed before and those that still exist in the present time. The lessons are also coupled with the teaching of the practical hand positions, their descriptions, their benefits, and the Reiki correspondences that make it applicable in healing pets, plants, family, and friends. This level emphasizes that the Reiki energy can rejuvenate both the self and other people.
Reiki's Second Degree. A more advanced level, the Reiki symbols are revealed to the learners who have successfully passed the First Degree. The methods on how to utilize the symbols are imparted by the Masters to their students. The so-called distance healing is also taught in this level.
Reiki's Third Degree. This degree is known as the Personal Mastery level and is taught for the more prepared and more advanced students. The channeling of the Universal Spiritual Reiki Energy is imparted along with the balancing of the chakras, execution of some psychic surgeries to eliminate the bad blockages from the aura, and the establishment of the crystal grids to further transfer the Reiki energy to invite light, harmony, and peace into this world. The other more progressive steps in distance or absentee healing are also revealed.
The Master Level. This applies to those who believe that they have been designed to teach the methodologies of Reiki. Prior to being admitted into this level, the person should acquire an advanced level of Personal Mastery. He should perform Reiki on a regular basis and the techniques taught in the third level must be proficiently executed.
Overall, the Reiki lesson is meant to transform an individual into a wiser, responsible, and good being.

Reiki Instruction - An Overview

You may really wonder why Reiki is such an in demand topic for many people. All over the world, it is being practiced for healing purposes. There are some concepts that surround it which you are required to understand most especially if you do manifest an interest in the methodology used in the practice of Reiki. Moreover, the latter is the conventional Japanese type of hands-on healing. Through time, the traditional sense of Reiki has been quite forgotten with the many variations that have already evolved. The system that is known to this contemporary world is no longer in its original state. Taking up a Reiki instruction will open your eyes to its many varieties. There are numerous branches that exist nowadays as well as different modes of instructions used. Those who practice Reiki therapy go through a system of instruction as divided into levels and they earn their degree and certification too.
The Reiki practitioner can come from any part of the world, study at different institutions or Reiki clubs, and be under different Masters too. Generally, the very first form of Reiki was divided into three degrees or levels with an addition, that is the Master Level or Master Degree. After the completion of the latter, a practitioner qualifies to train others.
Anyhow, there are multiple branches of the instruction. Take a look at their different forms by reading below.
The Usui Shiki Ryoho. Originally pioneered by Mrs. Takata, several other solitaries like the Reiki Alliance Masters began to form. As a part of the oral tradition, this medium of instruction employs three degrees which are taught to the learners. The first degree covers four attunements including mythos and history, the hand positions, and the channeling of Reiki energy for self-healing and in healing others. The second degree impart more forms of attunements that cover the teaching of three among the four sacred symbols, healing of mental as well as emotional disorders, and the absentee or distance healing. The Master Degree involves only one attunement and that includes the fourth sacred symbol as well as the techniques for the channeling of more energy.
The Raku Kei Reiki. Someone by the name of Iris Ishikuro who trained under Takata contributed much to this branch of the instructional system. The term Raku Kei Reiki is also called "the way of the Fire Dragon". It is comprised of the directional energy flow wherein Raku signifies the vertical flow while the term Kei means the horizontal energy flow. Both the first and the second degrees are discussed in a class that touches on the positions of the hand, the techniques in healing, the four traditional symbols, the distance healing, and the use of the Master Frequency plates. The third degree on the other hand promotes three attunement levels along with the two other additional symbols, the use of crystals, herbs and white light in healing.
The Tera Mai or Tera Mei Seichem. A few changes have been made to this type of instruction which covers the energy activation of the Angelic light, Sakara, and Sophi-el. There are also symbols which have been added to the older ones.
The Usui or Tibetan Reiki. This mode of instruction combines the traditional and the understandings expressed by Rand and Raku Kei.
A learner has the option to choose which Reiki instruction he feels to study. The Masters are everywhere and one has to simply get in touch with them.

How will You Choose Your Reiki Master?

It is a glaring fact that these days, there are numerous teachers, institutions, training courses, and practitioners of Reiki all over the world. This then opens up a pool of confusions especially on the part of those interested apprentices. It is common for someone to entertain the feeling of being lost. There are several people who are serious in their desires to attain the Reiki attunements which are but essential so they can practice the art of healing by themselves. With the large number of institutions and trainers around, it is a bit hard to find out the exact person who can teach you of the relevant methodologies. As a would-be Reiki student, finding the appropriate Reiki Master can truly be challenging. You should spot that particular person who has the full energy within him, one who is proficient in practicing the rituals and techniques, and one who is every inch an expert in Reiki.
An Important UnderstandingAs a learner of Reiki, you should understand that this healing process is nonetheless a holistic system that covers several factors in relation to healing, balancing, and harmonizing every single aspect of an individual. The balanced and harmonized factors can be utilized to promote both the spiritual and personal consciousness and growth. The healing technique is basically safe. You may ask why. The main reason is that all the strategies used are executed gently. The healers actually make use of the spiritual energy in the treatment of the mental, physical, and emotional diseases and problems but with the absence of massage or any other pressure or manipulation.
Reiki is all about doing good in one's lifetime. It applies to where it is necessary. The client will only receive the appropriate energy that he requires at the time being. Reiki is not in any way pushed by the practitioner but the energy from it is being drawn in by the client himself. It is also necessary to note that throughout the session, the client will not take the energy that belongs to the therapist. What he gets to absorb is the pure and the clean Reiki energy.
Top Tips in Finding the Best MasterDuring your search, you will be drawn towards the rightful Master who will be perfect for you and your needs. You should go to the person with whom you feel comfortable. He should be the one who can teach and guide you. He is someone who can feel for what you need and what you desire for.
As you take a trip to several Reiki institutions, here are the tips that can help you out in seeking for your ultimate Master.
Proficiency. Your Master should have worked hard and long to know every single detail that comprises the art of healing. He should be able to perform the techniques based on what he has learned, experienced, and practiced with or without them having been mentioned in the Reiki books or manuals.
Lineage. The Masters belong to different categories. You should find out his affiliation to be able to know the teachings and techniques that he is likely to impart.
Qualifications. Be sure that your Master is certified. There are prerequisites prior to being qualified to become a mentor.
Class Coverage. What will he teach you? Will he reveal the symbols? Will he teach you self-discovered techniques?
Fees. Know the relevant fees that you need to settle to start with the course.
Overall, the Reiki Master will be the one who will hone your skills with the right amount of techniques, hand positions, energy usage, and the likes. It is a must to look around for the best Masters who are qualified to provide the teachings.

Getting to Know the Reiki Hand Positions

With Reiki treatment, the energies are balanced so a new kick for life is furthermore promoted. Through all of these, the Reiki hand positions play a vital role.
As the treatment session is conducted, the hand positions are importantly executed. They are able to let the individual feel the strong sense of coldness, heat, tingling, or pulsations vibrating within him. It is also possible to be devoid of any sort of feelings. Reiki treatment may be performed on yourself or to another. The positions of the hand are definitely meant to cure the diseases that affect the parathyroid, thymus, thyroid gland, asthma, and the throat, among others.If you have not witnessed an actual healing procedure, then you may not be familiar with the various hand positions. This article is going to give you an idea of what they are. Read on and find out below.
The first position is the hand that is placed on the face. To do this, you should put your palms either on your own face or on the person who is receiving Reiki. The palms should form a cup over the eyes while the fingers are on the forehead. There must be no pressure at all but only a gentle touch.
The second position includes the hand on the crown and on the top of the head. Both hands must be on the sides of the head whereas the heels of the hands are located near the ears. The fingertips must be able to touch the crown.
The third position is at the back of the head. Form a cross by using your arms. One of the hands must be on the head while the other one is above the neck's nape.
The fourth position includes the touching of the heart and collarbone. Make a V-like shape with the thumb and fingers. You must be able to easily hold your neck via the V formation. Lower one of your hands and have it resting in between the collarbone and the heart.
The fifth has something to do with touching the jaw line and the chin as well. Again, let your hands form a cup and let your chin rest in it. Let your hands wrap themselves on your jaw line.The sixth position includes your ribs. Put your hand on the upper portion of the rib cage and provide some support to the bended elbows. The other hand should be on the abdomen. Let your fingertips touch your tummy.
The pelvic area is included in the seventh position. Put your hands on your pelvic bone and allow your fingertips to touch your pelvic region.
Then the eight position concerns your shoulders. Bend your elbows and arms over the head and touch your shoulder blades with your hand. While your elbows are bent, put your hands onto the center part of your back.
The final position includes the lower back and the sacrum. Let your hands rest on your lower back. Lower your arms and then place them on the sacral area and then proceed to relax.
The main intention of the Reiki hand positions is to let the energy flow and retain its balance once more. A practitioner will not apply a heavy pressure on the body parts but will simply touch them to promote the general flow of the somehow trapped energies.

Personal Mastery And Improving Your Confidence

Self- confidence is something that people find difficult to have. There are people who find low self-confidence influences the way they see themselves and their performance. Contrary to what most people think, self confidence is not something that only the gifted and blessed could have. With the help of personal mastery, individuals could now start building on their self-confidence.
Personal mastery is about self-development and self-improvement. It is about loving yourself and accepting yourself as you are. You need to acknowledge your weaknesses and at the same time strengthen them. Personal mastery is about loving yourself.
To attain personal mastery and confidence, it is important to believe in yourself. It is also important to be content with yourself. To develop self- confidence, self-acceptance should occur. Self- acceptance is about accepting not only the good things in life, but also the failures in life.
Aside from self-acceptance what else can you do to achieve self-confidence through personal mastery.
• Understanding thoughts and emotions- forgetting about a bad habit or behaviour would make us more aware about thoughts and emotions. By becoming aware of our emotions and behaviour, then we will be able to overcome and correct our behaviour. But once you have decided to change habits and behaviour, there are different strategies and methods that you can do gain mastery over them. • Self discipline. Changing attitude and behaviour, or even perspective might take a while. Change does not happen overnight. You need to gather enough knowledge and start learning and practicing the skills that you would like to improve and develop. • Have a clear vision on what you want to happen in your life. To be able to move forward in your life, then it is important to have clarity. Seeing what you want to have in a clearer image would encourage you to work for it.• The choice is yours. You can choose what you want to experience. Doing something important for you and something you love, would give you enough confidence to continue with what you have started. • Commitment and trusting. To be able to attain personal mastery for development and growth, you need to trust yourself that you can undergo the process and commit yourself on the process.
When developing self-confidence through personal mastery, we would have to develop some characteristics. We would develop self awareness, which is about our readiness to look at our past, accept it and the same goes for the present. Aside from this, we also develop self-knowledge which is about understanding our past and our attitude. Not only should we understand them but also be able to comprehend the basis for such attitude or experience. Last, we develop self discipline. Self-discipline is about how we make sure that our goals and vision are translated in action and achieved. We need self discipline to make sure that we do not back-out just because of simple and little disappointments and setbacks. Building self-confidence can’t be done on just a snap. Self- improvement can be a never-ending process. There are people who even acknowledge that self-improvement can last even for a life-time. Sometimes, we can only say that we are fully masterful of our life if we have reached our dreams and goals. Personal mastery can help use with growth and eventually with success. We just need to continue with our dreams and be patient.

Personal Mastery And Leadership

It is also a responsibility of a leader to be a role model. How can leaders be great role models? Personal mastery can help individuals be a better person and also help leaders become role models. According to Peter Senge, “The core to leadership strategy is simple: to be a model. Commit yourself to your own personal mastery.”
Personal mastery helps an individual to acquire self-knowledge and at the same time promote self-development and growth. Personal mastery helps an individual to develop the following characteristics:
• Understanding the direction of their life and therefore the direction of their group or organization• Recognize reality and remain grounded on it.• Think creatively and out of the box.• They understand and work with change.• They view themselves to be a part of the whole system and feel connected to others.• They understand that they could influence others but are impossible to control them.
It is important for a leader to understand the vision and the mission of the organization. A leader who has achieved personal mastery would be able to identify the methods on how to effectively achieve the organization’s goals. Personal mastery helps a person identify what are their guiding values and their goals.
Personal mastery allows people to deal with change. Change is one thing constant in this world. Leaders and organizations should be open to change. Accepting that change is inevitable prepares leaders and organizations to also change their methods to be able to achieve their goals.
Personal mastery allows a leader to develop characteristics that would help them deal with difficult situations and pressures. It also helps a leader to understand and deal with the team members’ weaknesses and strengths.
Effective leaders should understand how to give feedback and criticisms without sounding as if to chastise the person. The intention behind providing feedback is giving support, it is never intended to be an order or to control the person. Personal mastery help individuals develop an effective way of managing their emotions. This would help leaders when they are giving criticisms, they would learn to respond instead of reacting.
Personal mastery instils integrity, authenticity and confidence in a leader. These are the characteristics which would help a leader to have a clear vision and at the same clearer and more decisive action. Personal mastery could increase the potential of a leader. Business leaders have been testifying that stepping towards personal mastery can provide changes in the leadership, performance and have decisive and significant results.
It is important to get back to the basics. The core for an organization and business success relies on human capital. A leader should think that he or she is capable of influencing change.
The benefits of personal mastery for leadership have broad and deep effects. Its effects can also be felt for a long time. There are numerous programmes where business executives and organizational leaders can apply to achieve personal mastery in their chosen career.
There are countless leaders who have testified that undergoing personal mastery programmes have enabled them to maintain balance in their lives and at the same time shape them into becoming effective leaders. But even so, members or any individual can still apply to be a part of the programme. There are great benefits if all the members of the team would undergo transformation because of the personal mastery programme.

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